Take advantage of our expansive video library.

KOFE's video library includes over 20 specialized presentations. Once you join KOFE, your employees or clients can enjoy these informational tools at any time.

The videos are concise, clear and focused on conveying practical knowledge that employees and clients can use to improve their financial situation. In just a few minutes they learn valuable lessons that will help them save money, manage their finances better and more. Additional topics include:

  • Credit report reading fundamentals
  • Debt management solutions
  • Identity theft scenarios
  • Budgeting facts
Videos about credit card statements

Clients and employees can select videos pertinent to their situation, customize the selection and advance their knowledge on personal finances, or watch the whole library at their convenience. It’s a simple and proven tool that’s helped thousands of people improve their money management skills.

Client Reviews

Consumer Debt and Financial Literacy Statistics for Canadian Households